Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Adios 2014!

I'm going to go ahead and state for the record that I loathe NYE. It's always been my least favorite holiday, but 4 years ago, it became my least favorite day ever. Four years ago, my Granddaddy passed away. I don't want to rehash that awful day, but I will make this disclaimer: when a family member dies, be sure all of your relatives know before you post it on Facebook, because that's a really shitty way to have to find out. 

I've always been disliked NYae because it is always full of magical expectations and always seems to ended a drunken disaster. Things never go as planned, at least in my experience. Bars are overcrowded and overpriced. People drink way too much and flake out. Thus, I decided a few years ago to not treat NYE any different than any other night. Last year, B and I rang in the new year at an Avett Brothers concert, and I have to say, it was the best NYE I've ever had. This year, we will enjoy a bottle of Champagne and some Netflix, just the 2 of us (and the cat). 

I hope everyone has a safe and fun night. Here's to big things in 2015!


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