Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Time for Change

Those of you who know me know that I don't have a very adventurous sense of fashion.  If you looked at my Pinterest boards, you'd see some trendy outfits posted, but you're not likely to ever see me actually wear them.  You'll find me in my typical uniform or black pants/leggings and either a comfy sweater or vest during this time of year, or an always trusty cardigan.  I tend to express myself through my accessories.  I love the Fall (and I guess Winter) because it gives me a chance to break out my collection of scarves.  Infinity scarves are my jam right now.  I also have a deep love for jewelry.

Growing up, I always rocked a velco-band digital Timex watch.

Imagine that guy in every color combination they manufactured in the late 1990s with a sweet velcro band.  I wore it constantly, so much so that I had a watch tan for most of my life (and may have a slight one even now).  

When I went to college, my parents gave me a "fancy" Nike watch, which was obviously still digital.  I have always had issues telling time.  It's not that I can't tell time, but rather I'm too lazy.  Judge away.  

It wasn't until sometime during college that I broke down and got a "real" watch.  It was some cheap little Timex from K-Mart and I wore it until the face cracked, and long after the battery died.  Like I said, I wasn't really reading it very often.  It was so fancy that it had a stretchy metal band.

Timex® Women's Dress

A few years ago, I started wearing watches as more of a fashion statement than a habit.  Over the past few years, I've invested in 3 very nice and classic Michael Kors watches that I absolutely love.  They have served me well.  I seem to prefer larger-faced watches these days.  Probably because I can't see for crap, but I digress.  

About a year ago, I discovered this really great company called 1:Face Charity Watch.  When you purchase one of their watches, they donate money to a designated charity.  Here is what their website says:
Our story starts with the belief that one person, literally, can change the world. Millions of people need food, medical attention and clean water. And there are millions more that can help change that. One person has the power to feed a child, quench a thirst and find a cure.
Be the Face of change with 1Face.
Our model shows how one person can change the world. We want to increase our impact and allow our supporters to help a variety of people and causes.
1Face supports nine causes; cancer, hunger, breast cancer, clean water, disaster relief, environment, AIDS, education, and animal rights, and have partnered with different charities to bring global change. Each cause has a specific metric that tells you exactly what you purchase does. From building wells to providing a year of education, 1Face is committed to bringing about change, worldwide.

Each cause is represented by a watch of a different color.  My red watch sent money to Keep a Child Alive and provided AIDS treatment for 4 children.  My blue watch sent money to The Adventure Project and that money went to help provide a charcoal efficient stove for a family in Haiti.  My most recent purchase from them has been the black touchscreen watch.  This watch supports all 9 causes and changed 36 lives!  I absolutely love the look and the functionality of these watches.  The standard watches all have an awesome mirror face.  The touchscreen watch is all black.  I get compliments every time I wear one of my watches, and they are definitely a conversation starter!  Most people ask me if I'm wearing one of the new smartwatches, but they are really intrigued when I tell them that I am wearing a life-saving watch.  They would make the perfect gift this holiday season for a friend or loved one or just for yourself!  


And here is my new touchscreen 1:Face compared to B's Pebble smartwatch.


All images (except the last) are via here.

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