Thursday, December 11, 2014


I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed last night and noticed that one of my exes had posted an article from my hometown newspaper. I read it and saw that his wife is now the Youth Director at a hometown church. I randomly sent him a message about it, since I used to be a Youth Director, and at one point in time, I'd been offered (and graciously turned down) the job his wife now has. We ended up chatting back and forth and he praised me for the good job I'd done with my Youth Group. (We have a mutual Facebook friend who was one of our college professors who happened to have a child in my Youth Group and she has been kind enough to publicly brag on my work.) He also asked about what I was up to these days, so I told him the news about my new house with B and my new job. He replied with something I never expected. He said, "He likes like a great guy, like you've found the perfect match." This guy and I were friends all through college (and we will call him D.) D and I stayed close via AIM in college and he was always my go-to for guy problems. We ended up dating for a bit after college, but the relationship faded into the sunset, as some relationships do. He married the next girl he dated. We haven't talked much since our relationship ended, but D is a nice guy and really smart, so I still keep up with his life via Facebook. And you know what? He was right. B is my perfect match and I couldn't be happier with the life we've built together. He perfectly balances me out and I couldn't imagine a better partner in life. There's a certain weird affirmation found when an ex has witnessed your life via Facebook and tells you that even he can see that you've found "the one." 

Just thought I'd share. 


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