Thursday, May 29, 2014

Official. Like a referee with a whistle.

I officially suck at blogging. I'll try to do better. 

In my last post, I mentioned that B and I were in the process of buying a lot in a development and building our first home together. Well, that's officially under way. They broke ground on our home on May 19. The progress may seem slow, but we are quickly on our way to being first time home owners! Here's the progress so far! 

It's still a mess of dirt, but it's our mess of dirt. The plumbing and foundation are our next steps. It's so exciting to see our grassy lot transform into our future home. 

We are headed out on vacation this weekend, and I'll try to suck less at blogging. 

Here's a picture of what our home will look like when it's finished. (Ours will be different colors, but you get the idea.) 
