Friday, July 25, 2014

Progress and Patience: I have one and need you to take care of the other.

Remember that time I started this blog and was all like "OMG, I love you and I swear I'm going to talk to you everyday and not be a lame, sucktastic blogger!"?  Yea, I totally broke my promise.  My bad.  If it makes anyone feel any better, I mentally blog all of the time.  Oh, the posts I should have written...

I wanted to give an update on the house, since that is where I last left off.  Today is day 67 of building and we have siding!  This is super exciting news for us!  The outside of the house has remained mostly unchanged since about Day 25, so it is awesome to see some progress.  They have put the insulation up inside the house and we are just awaiting the drywall.  They assure us that all drywall will be installed within a single day so that it can all set on the same timeline.  Sounds very official.

Here are some progress pictures from along the way:

Isn't it beautiful?!  I can't wait to see what changes have happened in the last 24 hours!

I have a lot of things I need to blog about and I want to devote entire posts to them so, bear with me.  I hope I can make the wait worth it.  I swear I will try to be better about showing love to my lovely little spot on the interwebs.  And if I fail, you can call me out on it.  (All 3 of you that read this.) 
