Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone had a magical Thanksgiving and ate until their stretchy pants declared, "no more!" 

I spent my second Thanksgiving ever a away from my family. (The first was in college when I was studying abroad in Italy.) I spent this year with B's family in the mountains of NC. We just did a day trip, so most of our time was spent in the car back and forth, but it was so nice to meet parts of his extended family that I hadn't had the opportunity to meet until now. 

We even drove through some falling snow on the way! B was much less excited than I was. 

B was even kind enough to stop for a picture in the snow at a rest area (even though he didn't look at the camera.)

Our first stop was at his Aunt and Uncle's house for lunch with his mother's side of the family. We had a great traditional meal. I met his grandparents, his Aunt and Uncle, and a handful of his cousins. His parents and sister (and her dog Joy) were also there. The food was delicious and his family was so nice. The visit was relatively short because most people had to get on the road to spend the rest of the day with other parts of their families. 

Joy was rotten, as usual, but a steadfast lap companion. 

We ate dinner with a few members of B's Dad's side of the family. That meal was much less traditional. We had shrimp, pizza, and various sides and pies. It was equally as delicious as lunch!  I had the opportunity to meet B's other Grandmother and another one of his Aunts. Again, his parents and sister (and Joy, Sunny, and Patches) joined us. The house was pretty full with 7 people and 3 eager and playful dogs! We did manage to snap a few pictures to commemorate the day. 

Obligatory selfie!

Sunny loves his B and just had to be in the picture. 

Sunny and Joy did some serious playing. Can you tell that even though she's much smaller, Joy is always the boss?

After a full day, Sunny was worn splat out!

I hope everyone had a great day and has a full belly!


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