Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My B.

I've never really been the "relationship type." Now, that's not to say that I didn't want to be in a relationship, it's just I usually wasn't. I've spent the vast majority of my dating years single. I had more than my fair share of crushes, but I can count the number of real relationships I've ever been in on one hand. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing! I usually end up "friend-zoned" and I've played the role of Third Wheel on more outings than I can count. 

That all changed a little over a year ago. 

I was in a major funk in the winter of 2012. I'd had major foot surgery and I'd been laid off from my job. That's a winning combination. The vast majority of my friends were either engaged or married. Hello, mid-twenties in the South. Two of my best friends decided to create an online dating profile for me after I flat out refused to make one for myself. I'd sworn to myself that I wouldn't stoop to that level of desperation until I was 30 and single. They created one anyway. I decided to let them be in full control of the profile, and even let them choose the pictures and write my bio. A few short days later, I started receiving emails from guys who were interested. I even went on a few first dates. At that point, I decided to just have some fun and embrace the whole experience. I had nothing to lose (and perhaps had some free meals to gain). I decided to go on and edit my profile myself to reflect the true me. I started browsing my matches and sent out some emails to some guys. There was one particular guy that, from his profile, seemed handsome, genuine, funny, smart, and interesting. I messaged him on a whim and didn't think too much of it. Over the next few weeks, we exchanged a few messages and ended up exchanging phone numbers and began to text. Out of the blue that March, he asked to finally meet me. He lived an hour and twenty minutes away, but agreed to make the trip to see me. I picked a casual Mexican restaurant on a Sunday afternoon. We met. We talked. He hugged me goodbye, and that was that. Over the course of the next two days, we texted frequently. He even asked when he could see me again. Since I was unemployed, I offered to drive up to his town for dinner that Wednesday, just a few short days after our first date. To make a very long story short, we continued dating for a few weeks. One night while we were texting, I felt compelled to let him know that I was not seeing anyone else. He told me that he wasn't seeing anyone else either, and my heart swelled. On April 9, 2013, he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. I gladly accepted. Since then, I have relocated my life to be near him, we rented an apartment together, and we are now in the process of buying a lot and building our first home together. I could not be happier. B is the most wonderful man I have ever met. He is everything I never realized I wanted and needed. He is the sweetest bow-tie-wearing, belly-laughing, trail-running, kind-hearted man in the world. And I'm so blessed that I've been able to call him mine for the past year. I'm looking forward to so many more. 

Thanks for letting me be sappy. 


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